Loaded unexpected element while trying to get rendering html from server. Expecting last tag to be closing script marker
If you have googled this error before, the most promising result is this article . Now this article does a good job of explaining what <code> elements are to the page-editor and their connection with this error and also proposes a solution that may or may not be the cause of the issue, in my case it wasn't. Here is what my issue was: Working with Sitecore MVC view renderings A page has view renderings within nested placeholders, e.g. a hero slide item added to a hero slide item container with a placeholder (say hero-container), which in turn is added to the body of the page using another placeholder (say main-content). Using page editor, tried adding a new component to the leaf placeholder (say hero-container), and got the first popup for the allowed controls (if the field is populated) Once the component is selected and clicked Ok, nothing happens. Looking at the console I saw the following: (I recommend you click on the link to the .js file and checkout the ...