
Showing posts from June, 2020

SOLVED: Error while running Sitecore Unicorn sync for Habitat Home: System.ArgumentException: Configuration(s) requested were not defined.

When running Habitat Home build using build.ps1, the Sync-Unicorn task fails with the following message: Error: ERROR: Configuration(s) requested were not defined. (System.ArgumentException)<div class="stacktrace">at Unicorn.ControlPanel.Pipelines.UnicornControlPanelRequest.SyncVerb.ResolveConfigurations() <br />   at Unicorn.ControlPanel.Pipelines.UnicornControlPanelRequest.SyncVerb.Process(IProgressStatus progress, ILogger additionalLogger) <br />   at Unicorn.ControlPanel.Pipelines.UnicornControlPanelRequest.SyncVerb.<>c__DisplayClass3_0.<CreateResponse>b__0(IProgressStatus progress) <br />   at Unicorn.ControlPanel.Responses.WebConsoleResponse.ProcessInternal(IProgressStatus progress) <br />   at Kamsar.WebConsole.TextWebConsole.Render(Action`1 processAction) <br />   at Unicorn.ControlPanel.Responses.WebC...

SOLVED: Sitecore Habitat Home Sync-Unicorn fails with the error: GetResponse" with "0" argument(s): "The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden.

When executing  .\build.ps1 or .\build.ps1 -Target "Post-Deploy" commands to deploy Habitat Home build, the PS script fails with the error message; "GetResponse" with "0" argument(s): "The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden." ======================================== Sync-Unicorn ======================================== Sync Unicorn items from url: Executing: &"C:/Code/HabitatHome/scripts/Unicorn/Sync.ps1" -secret 749CABBC85EAD20CE55E2C6066F1BE375D2115696C8A8B24DB6ED1FD60613086 -url Sync-Unicorn: Executing Sync... An error occurred when executing task 'Sync-Unicorn'. Error: One or more errors occurred.         Exception calling "GetResponse" with "0" argument(s): "The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden." The key to solving the issue lies in the following lines of code in Unicorn.p...